The Power of the Legal Network ~ Networking 101 for Attorneys -- by Global Lpo Conference

The power of networking is undeniable; whether a spontaneous or a well thought out intentional act, networking today has evolved into an art form. Networking is no longer merely about having access to information about jobs, developments within your firm or happenings in the legal market. It has assumed mammoth proportions and could be the difference between success and failure. While it is true that man cannot live in isolation, we all fear the unknown and naturally shrink at the prospect of going out of our way to ‘get-to-know’ people whom we otherwise would not have known. The foundation of a thriving and successful business/practice rests on sound communication skills and efficient networking. Irrespective of the area of your specialization, it is essential that you have a fair amount of contacts that will be your support when you’d like to try out a new venture or even during rough weather. Networking with others allows businesses, big or small, to share data, experiences and knowledge that could be mutually beneficial.

However, for most attorneys, marketing does not come naturally. Inherently, attorneys are hard wired into being independent, opinionated, self-reliant and largely undiplomatic in their mannerisms; qualities that do, at the onset, seem diametrically opposite to those required for networking successfully. The case is no different in the LPO industry. The primary benefits of networking for those in the LPO industry include;

(1) maintaining a strong network amongst professionals in the same field helps not only in the exchange of information; but since this is a fairly nascent industry, it also helps highlight and cope with the teething problems faced by the industry;
(2) networking aids in staying current not only on the laws but also business practices across the board;
(3) helps professionals build their industry visibility;
(4) creates a solid base for learning about possible new opportunities; and
(5) helps raise your company profile.

When in doubt, perhaps your most valuable tool is the ability to call someone you know and discuss how they are handling particular challenges. This ability to benchmark and trade best practices is an obvious and direct benefit of networking for professionals in the legal outsourcing industry. Some of the common and most successful ways that one can network in this industry include:

• Participating in Professional organizations and Conferences that hold regular networking events
• Subscribing to bulletins and newsletters to keep abreast of the latest in the industry
• Online forums like LinkedIn or creating a blog to discuss key issues that you may be facing professionally
• Attending Seminars with leading experts on the panel

With the spectre of ever increasing expectations looming large over the LPO industry, it is time for all associated with it to join hands and harness the potential of a network that can sustain the hopes and aspiration of every individual member. The Global LPO Conference 2011 is our attempt to first create a robust network and then raise awareness amongst members regarding best practices and innovative ideas.

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