Auto Accident Attorney Alert You Of The Primary Cause Of Death By Lisa Blackstone

In the U.S., a number one cause of death is automobile accidents. The studies made by auto accident injury lawyers reveal that about 6,000,000 such accidents occur every year, resulting in almost 40,000 fatalities. It is estimated that one out of every five Americans will be in an alcohol-related automobile accident at least once in their lives.

Year in year out, these alarming figures seem to do nothing at all to teach Americans to be more cautious. Even today, automobile accident injuries are the leading root of death for people between 33 to 60 years old.
The Best Way To Minimize Auto Accident Injuries. To prevent being involved in vehicle crashes, automobile accident injury lawyers advise the following:

* Always stick to all the rules of traffic
* Drive defensively
* Wear your seat belt
* Avoid driving when inebriated or incapacitated
* Make perfectly certain that all passengers buckle up before hitting the road

You may be thinking, "Why 'minimize' and not 'eliminate'?" Think of this: while you may be the most responsible motorist, pedestrian or cyclist out there, you'll find nothing you can do to predict when you'll be on a single road as some reckless or incapacitated driver.

Automobile accident claims are so common that there are probably more of them than all other types of personal injury claims created. If you or a family member has been injured because of the fault or neglect of an automobile accident, you have a legal right to recuperate damages.

Though usually a driver is the accountable party, the issue of liability is not always cut-and-dried. If the accountable party is a professional driver such as a bus driver or trucker, could his employer have done something to avoid the accident? Is the vehicle designed and manufactured with safety in mind? Could the automobile manufacturer or designer be held liable then? Is the road irresponsibly maintained? These are some of the questions that need to be answered to determine the identities of all who are at fault. Above all, there is still the complicated issue of insurance to be concerned about.

Well I hope this helps you gain some insight about how to find the right attorney amongst all the Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyers you'll find in our fine city.

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